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Year 6 Waste Warriors

'The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein' – Psalm 24:1

We have many leadership teams for our Year 6s as we have shown previous posts.

Our Waste Warriors team has begun spending the Waste Wise grant which we were delighted to have received.

We have decided on a three-bin system to separate our waste in each class throughout the Primary School.

At the assembly on Tuesday 30 July, the Waste Warriors got to show off our new recycling bins and emphasised the importance of correctly sorting our waste to avoid contamination.

As we continue to be good stewards of our resources we will introduce the next two bins – a smaller landfill-only bin and a composting food waste bin.

It has been encouraging to see the enthusiastic and determined effort by all Primary classes to follow these initiatives and reduce waste being sent to landfill.

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