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Titration National Final

Titration National Final

Let’s congratulate our Year 12 Chemistry students for the excellent achievements they have made.

Titration is a chemical analysis technique that allows a very precise analysis of the acid and base content in a mixture. 

In June this year, our Year 12 Chemistry students participated in the State Titration competition hosted by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and performed very well. Many of our students were so competent in their chemical analysis that their difference from the actual value were as low as 0.000002. That is a remarkable achievement!

On the Thursday evening of the Science week, three of our Year 12 Chemistry students, Jeremy Chua, Ben Fairlamb and Jordan Chapman, who ranked second in the state Titration round were invited to represent WA to compete in the National Final competition.

On the night, the students were able to visit the state-of-the-art Chemistry Building in UWA and conducted their competition in one of the labs. We prayed together as a team before the start of the competition. The students were confident, organised and were able to complete their competition half an hour earlier than the allocated 3 hours.

The Results

In the National finals, Ben qualified for silver, and both Jordan and Jeremy qualified for gold. Jordan had a remarkable score of being 0.000001 from the true result! Do take any opportunity to congratulate these students for their excellent achievement.

WA had four excellent ranked teams and Rehoboth was one of those. The results are still coming in from other state schools. Rehoboth is currently sitting at 8th place in Australia (Leader Board). This is an improvement from the historical record of 15th position we obtained previously. Congratulations to Rehoboth! 

Thank you to the Rehoboth community for all the encouragement and support you’ve given to the Titration teams. Rehoboth you have done so excellently again!

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