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ANZAC Cottage: The House that was Built in a Day

On Thursday 3 May, the Year 3/4 Class went to visit ANZAC Cottage. We had an interesting and fun morning learning about how the Cottage was built.

Our tour guides were Mr and Mrs Chappel.

Mrs Chappel is the granddaughter of the wounded soldier, John Porter, for whom the cottage was built in 1916. Private Porter fought at Gallipoli, but a gun shot to his left leg meant that he came back to Perth unable to work as he had done before the war. They all pitched in to help build the Cottage in one day. It was an amazing achievement by the citizens of Mount Hawthorn. ANZAC Cottage is open to the public and is really worth visiting!

“I really liked the story that Mrs Chappel told” – Troy van der Kooy

“I enjoyed visiting Braithwaite Nature Park first and climbing on the high ropes” – Isabelle Lai

“I liked looking at all the kitchen items that people used in the old days” – Enoch Lim

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