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ANZAC Reflections


This morning, The Year 7-8 Endeavour Progam ran our ANZAC service. We had a time of reflection and commemoration for the amazing selflessness of our fellow countrymen in the Great War and armed services since then.

Despite the solemnity of the occasion, we were blessed by the vibrancy of Mr Graham Maybury, Pastor at Mt Pleasant Baptist Church and former 6PR presenter, who brought a challenging and encouraging message about who it is we serve in life. He told many stories and anecdotes to help us remember some important truths about life. It was such a blessing to have a guest speaker come and share with us.

The music throughout the service was beautiful, and we had the privilege of the Secondary Choir and the Senior Worship Band perform and lead us in worship. The choir sang “We Are Australian” and impressed us with lovely harmonies and descants. The Senior Worship Band led us in worship of Christ who Himself suffered for us, making the ultimate sacrifice.

It was also really encouraging to have two Cadets from Year 8 lay the wreath in their bright shirts. They proudly laid the wreath at the front, and set the tone for the time of reflection during the Last Post, Minute of Silence and the Rouse. Well done Cadets!

It was commented over morning tea in the foyer afterwards that the service had really made people feel proud to be Australian and proud to be part of the Rehoboth community who take such care to honour our fallen and honour our Saviour and Lord.

Mrs A Stewart

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