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2022 Titration State Finals

2022 Titration State Finals

‘Though our titration demanded sharp focus, the time we spent together in the lab never lacked a good laugh.‘ – Victor Komaiya

On Tuesday 23 August, three of our Year 12 Chemistry students, Thomas Oe, Victor Komaiya, and Natalia Kappert, represented Rehoboth Christian College and Western Australia in the 2022 combined State and National Titration Final Competition.

Thanks to their excellent performance at the regional round of the Titration competition (top 15 out of 68 schools), they were invited to participate in the combined State and National Final!

Overcoming hurdles such as limited practice time during heavy WACE study commitments, the team remained committed, supporting one another, and getting themselves ready for the competition.

On the night, heavy traffic did nothing to calm the nerves, and the team’s apprehension built even more as we entered the laboratory to see every other team already setup and ready to go. However, nothing could stop us from pausing to pray together as a team, committing everything to God.

Then, our team gave their best over the following 3 hours, applying their chemistry knowledge and skills in determining the accurate acid content in the samples given, filled with impurities this time.

At the end of the competition, all teams gathered and the winners were announced. Out of the 15 schools, there were only 3 teams who achieved the ‘Excellent Team’ status, and Rehoboth Christian College was the first to be announced.

We were all thrilled to hear that our team ranked second-best performing team in WA! Victor and Thomas received a gold medal and Natalia received a silver medal. Their results will now be used to enter the National Final Titration and we look forward to finding out their position nationally. An updated leader board can be viewed here.

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