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Watoto’s Passion and Faith Encourages Staff and Students Alike

Imagine if you had never met your parents and were left as a baby on the side of the road…

This was the personal testimony that a 6-year old child from Watoto Children’s Choir shared during their recent visit to Rehoboth.

We were challenged by Watoto’s goal to spread God’s gospel to all the earth. We were left pondering how children with upbringings that are less than desirable are still so willing to share God’s love. This is especially confronting when we remember how fortunuate we are, and how easily we forget just how richly God has blessed us.

Most of the children in Watoto are orphans as a result of AIDS, epidemics, poverty or war, but they still know God has a plan for each and every one of them. This was a refreshing message that each of us could take away from their performance.

Whilst it was sad and challenging to hear their personal stories, it was amazing to witness their courage. It was also reassuring to know that there are programs that are being run in different parts of the worlds to look after the most vulnerable. Watoto’s energy and enthusiasm throughout their songs and dances enveloped all our senses. It was hard not to get swept away with their music as we all got involved singing and clapping to each song. Some of us got a little more swept away than others, as we got involved on stage trying to replicate one of the dances.

Watoto’s concert was amazing to witness and was a sharp and refreshing reminder of how blessed we are in Australia.

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