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The Third Well

The Third Well is from Genesis 26:17-22, where Isaac digs one well, but they have an argument about it, then he digs another well, but they argue about that one too. But the third well he digs, they don't argue about and he calls that place Rehoboth and says 'Now the Lord has given us room'. So The Third Well is a reminder about how God provides for us" - Eve Gibbon (Year 7).

Kenwick Secondary

What Goals are Important for Senior School?

Continuing our conversation from the last article, now that we know what requirements there are for achieving the WACE, what other goals are important for

Some day B
Kenwick Secondary

Coping with Transition and Change

Many students will be experiencing some form of transition this year. Perhaps they have moved from Primary School to Secondary School. Perhaps they are now

Kenwick 102b
The Third Well

Success, Safety and “Real” Schools

With this issue, we begin an occasional series we’re calling “Be Distinct”. We ask Rehoboth’s leaders and senior staff to choose three of the frequently

Mitchell falls
The Third Well

The Glory of God

Recently I was re-reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and I came across his suggestion to view the video below: I am sure that many of

Familiarity breeds Contempt

“Familiarity breeds contempt”. I have always thought that this is a harsh saying. Contempt is a strong word. However, I have also found that there

Keep Your Heart with All Diligence

The story of the journey that the people of Israel took fleeing from Egypt, crossing the Red Sea, crossing the desert, and wandering for 40

The WOW Moments

In Psalm 77, Asaph is going through a low patch and dealing with stress and disappointment. He is troubled and can’t sleep. He had been

Ready to Start the Enrolment Process?

Partner with us to develop the whole child, which includes their spiritual, moral, and academic growth, and their personal and social development.