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Anzac Day Reflections from Year 4/5 Students

True peace comes through a personal relationship with Jesus.

On 23 April at Wilson, our school held a ceremony remembering that true peace only comes through a personal relationship with Jesus, who bore the sins of the world when He died on the cross.

Reflections from Year 4/5 Students

Anzac Day is the day we remember about armies from Australia and New Zealand. They fought for our countries in World War 1 and 2. On Anzac Day, we stand still and think about what the army has done for us. One of my favourite things on Anzac Day is the public holiday and getting to eat Anzac biscuits. I would like to visit Kings Park when it is Anzac Day because Kings Park has lots of people’s names that served in the army.

– by Jeremy Santoso

What is Anzac Day? It is a day of remembrance that takes place on 25 April. It is held in memory of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, many of whom lost their lives in battle.
What do we do on Anzac Day? There are different options we can do to remember the sacrifice of the Anzacs. Some examples are to attend an Anzac Day dawn service, visit an Anzac memorial, read a book about Anzac Day, or watch a dawn service at home (due to Covid).
What do the red poppies symbolise? Red poppies are symbols of remembrance and hope for peaceful time. Poppies are worn as a show of support for the Armed Forces community. Lest we forget.

– by Tyler Jend

An interview with my grandfather:
What job did he do in the army? He was a major and a chaplain. A chaplain is an officer who cares for soldiers. He served for five years in the army and twelve years in the air force.
What does Anzac mean to him? It is a day to remember those who sacrificed for others. He has attended many dawn services and led the service as well.

– by Aaron Fraser


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